🥵 What is burnout?
According to Mayo Clinic;
“Job burnout is a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.”
According to WebMD;
“Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It’s a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress”.
Burnout happens when you’re overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life’s incessant demands. It keeps you from being productive and reduces your energy, making you feel hopeless, cynical, and resentful.
🫥 Major reasons for burnout include:
- Unmanageable workloads
- Unfair treatment at work
- Confusing work responsibilities
- Lack of communication or support from managers
- Immense deadline pressure
😵💫 Types of Burnout
There are three common types of burnout.
🗂 Overload Burnout
This happens when you work harder and harder, becoming frantic in your pursuit of success. If you experience this, you may be willing to risk your health and personal life to feel successful in your job.
🎯 Under-Challenged Burnout
This happens when you feel under-appreciated and bored in your job. Maybe your job doesn’t provide learning opportunities or have room for professional growth. If you feel under-challenged, you may distance yourself from your job, become cynical, and avoid responsibilities.
📈 Neglect Burnout
This happens when you feel helpless at work. If things aren’t going right, you may believe you’re incompetent or unable to keep up with your responsibilities. Such burnout can be closely connected to imposter syndrome, a psychological pattern in which you doubt your skills, talents, or accomplishments.
🆘 Signs You’re Burnt-out, Not Lazy
- 🔌 | You feel disconnected from your life, your surroundings and from people around you. Nothing feels personal or important anymore. You feel like you’re just getting through life on auto-pilot mode, and everything is just happening. You feel neither the ability nor the desire to take control of your life.
- 🎖 | You used to be motivated and used to have passions about your career, personal life, and your family goals but now you just don’t have the energy to chase any dreams. Remember laziness is a character trait and doesn’t change a lot over a person’s lifespan whereas if you used to have passions and seem to have lost them, you’re not lazy, you’re burnt out.
- 😭 | Another sign you’re burnt out, not lazy, is that lazy people are pretty calm and chill most of the time. If your emotions seem to be all over the place and you seem to have no control over your outbursts and down phases and depression, these are clear signs of a burnout.
- 💅 | You used to pay attention to your diet, exercise, clothing, and the way your hair looked, but lately you’ve just stopped caring. You eat without caring about your health, you don’t have a consistent and healthy sleep schedule, and you keep postponing a trip to hair salon. Lazy people sleep more, not less. So even if you’ve been blaming most of your unfinished tasks to laziness, you might want to consider talking to a professional to see if you’re burnt out.
🛣 How to deal with an incoming burnout?
- 🗣 Talk to a supervisor. Sometimes just letting your supervisor know can prevent an incoming burnout by making appropriate adjustments to your workloads and to your environment.
- 🛌 Get enough sleep. Everything that you think is more important than your sleep, isn’t important enough. Fix your sleep schedule before fixing anything else.
- 🧘🏻 Try Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness. Get a fitness tracker like Fitbit or Apple Watch and turn on the settings that remind you to do breathing exercises, and mindful meditations.
❤My Favourite Things
📚 Must Have Tools for Starting a YouTube Channel
I've taken over a hundred courses so far in my life and #ptya has been easily the best one. The real learning is not happening in the universities, its in courses like Part-Time YouTuber Academy. And as an engineering university lecturer, it is both sad and exciting to see. It is a must have course for anyone thinking of starting a YouTube Channel (Full review coming soon).
My YouTube Gear:
I watched hundreds of YouTube videos before finding the gear that would give me the best value for my money. I'm sharing them with you so yu don't have to watch as many videos as I did 😛
📸 Camera
🎤 Mic
🔦 Lights
🤳 Tripod
🚠 Mic Stand
🐦Twitter Thread:
4 years of learning YouTube distilled into 15+ lessons: pic.twitter.com/cOnOabZEXR
— Ali Abdaal (@AliAbdaal) April 8, 2022
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