If you have never watched Ali Abdaal, go check out his YouTube channel. The guy is smart, handsome, and has a Pakistani-British accent, I mean what's not to like😉? I've followed his YouTube videos from the days he used to talk about getting through Med school, and mind you, I wasn't even in a Med school🤦‍♀️.

Later on, he became more of a productivity coach/sometimes tech reviewer who has now launched his stationary branch called Essentiali (clever name). Now I don't do paper notes, or paper lists anymore but if you do that, I recommend giving his collection a try. I particularly like the idea of a "MIGHT DO" list. He explained the science behind it much better than me but the key points for me are:

  1. You separate the "planning" and "executing" phases of your day (it has a lot of psychological and material output benefits)
  2. You pick ONE highlight-of-the-day task and write it down
  3. You make a list of "might do" tasks that you would like to accomplish that day
  4. You go in the "execution" mode and get stuff done instead of mid-day questioning "what else could I be doing right now?"

💀I've only practiced the idea for a few days so don't take my word as an authority on this. But I feel much more organized. There is less clutter in my head, and I get more stuff done with a little less stress.

Did I mention I don't do paper lists? So I didn't buy his paper lists (not like I was going to buy such expensive stuff anyway😅). I used to think that I'm a miser and I think ten times before buying a notebook, but now I've realized I'm just conscious of where I want to spend my money and where I don't. Anyways, back to the topic, I made a OneNote template for my "MIGHT DO" list.

  1. I use OneNote for work all-day
  2. It's free
  3. It's available on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS) so no switching costs are involved if I decided to come back to Android

Creating this template took about 30 minutes (License free stock image, Powerpoint shapes, OneNote default To-Do list editing). I could have done better fonts😔 by spending more time.

Since I believe sharing is caring, I made one notebook for me and one for you🙌. You can download your free copy and customize it to fit your needs. Let me know how you're planning to live a more conscious, organized, and productive approach to your task management. Ping me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and let me know what do you think.